Building the MILSIM Airsoft Battlefield
In our upcoming events, players will see (and build) the structure of TCA's MILSIM airsoft battlefield. Roles like DMR/Snipers acting as scouts ahead of the main forces, Airborne forces landing ahead of the main forces, Special Operations elements being inserted. Additionally, these elements will be part of the forward casualty collection point, unit maintenance collection point, fire support bases, and forward command posts. All of which playing a role in adding more MIL to the SIM.

In real military operations support nodes are critical to supporting those in the fight, so our Staff has decided to place those nodes into our MILSIM events. Leaders and Players will have to set up these nodes on the field (in some cases, large locations like Fort Hood and Camp Shelby require them). Each node brings an element crucial to that forces' efforts on the field. Setting up your forward Casualty Collection Point (CCP) provides a forward respawn, an advantage in not having to move all the way back to the main CCP.

Others like the Fire Support Base (Mortar Firing Point) that when once set, allows for your side to call for artillery and mortar support. The Tactical Command Post, once established, allows for your side to call for air strikes, something that has proved critical to TCA forces time and time again. The ASP (Ammunition Supply point) allows for destroyed mortars to be regenerated during the same phase if they are destroyed and UMCP (unit maintenance collection point) allows for a destroyed vehicle to regen forwards versus heading all the way back to the Assembly Area (Main Start Point).

We put into use this "MILSIM Battlefield" at Operation Bulldog X in 2017 at Fort Hood, Texas. The players and staff took to it. The terrain size required it, once players pushed south from the northern AAs, players requiring reset would not wanted to walk the kilometer back to the AA. Forward CCPs were a necessity for commanders to hurry and get established, same with UMCPs.

More Objectives Another lesson learned from the players and leaders at Bulldog, was with these new battlefield nodes, came new targets for the other side. Command Posts, UMCPs, Mortar Firing Points, all provided advantages to their side, but would also provide a disadvantage if that side lost them to the other. Imagine, losing your ability to call for artillery or an airstrike? Your down guntruck having to travel 15 minutes back to the main AA versus 5 minutes? Your Command Post being over run and your map information was copied down by the other side in addition to losing your ability to call for air? All these added to the fight for the digital terrain points and reacting to time sensitive targets and FRAGOs. Yeah, it was a busy battlefield.
Enter SOF, Commandos, Scout Snipers, and Airborne Forces
In addition to the battlefield nodes, we have stepped away from the traditional "3,2,1 Game On" format, adding in the Recon/Counter Recon Phase and the Airborne Phase then Main Battle Phase.

Allied Special Operations Forces and KFORCE Commandos made their appearance at Serious Viking II. During the Recon-Counter Recon Phase, these elements inserted at the discretion of the Force Commanders onto the battlefield, meanwhile the Sniper/DMR Shooters were allowed to enter the field from the main AA. For a period of time, the SOF/Commandos and DMR/Snipers will be on the field getting to points of advantage. A short while later, began the Airborne Phase with Task Force Darby and the KFORCE Airborne Regiment being dropped in onto designated drop zones. These paratroops pushed out to whatever OBJs their command had given them. Perhaps to link up with SOF/Commandos or set up and defend key battlefield nodes?

When the main battle phase begins, forces from ABLE, BAKER, EASY, CHAOS, DAGGER, and FIGHT Companies will fight to link up with these advance units, tie into battlefield nodes, push on OBJs. The Third Coast MILSIM Battlefield will require players to maintain their heads on a swivel, attempt to keep their heads in the game, ID friend or foe, and maintain contact with their leadership. See you at our next one.