Crossbones 18-20 October 2024
CROSSBONES, 18-20 OCTOBER 2024, at the old Rivers Prison Hospital Complex in Milledgeville, Georgia is a shift from Third Coast’s normal...

Preparing For A Third Coast Airsoft Event at the Command and Individual Level
At the Command Level (Battalion, Company, Platoon, down to Squad/Fire Team Level), there is a need to apply maneuver warfare in military...

Operation Prairie Fire from the SOG Perspective
Staff Note, Prairie Fire is Third Coast's Vietnam War Era MILSIM event, this year held at the great fields over at Texas Paintball...

Recommended MILSIM Kit for Third Coast Airsoft
We are often asked by players as an event is coming up or often at the local fields the staff play at, what loadout on kit we would...

Mission Focus
Mission focus, much more than just a phrase.

Operation Mountain Viper Summary
The terrain was some of the most complex I've seen since the Dragon Rogue Series at Team Airsoft in Dawsonville, Georgia. Add the...